
Pass It On is a mission outreach for the Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence. The family residence is a safe, welcoming emergency housing shelter. Services are provided in order to empower residents toward self-sufficiency.

Next Sale: Sept. 22, 2012

Wayne Presbyterian Church
125 E.Lancaster Ave.
Wayne, PA 19087

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Proudly supporting The Salvation Army

Proudly supporting The Salvation Army
Click on the logo to learn more about The Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence

Monday, August 29, 2011

Way to go!!

Wow! So many people worked together to make the sale possible and it was a success!! The sellers arrived Friday night to bring in their items and it was like Christmas morning seeing all the great items come through the door. Shoppers began lining up an hour before the doors were to open and by 10am, the line was wrapped around the back of the building. It was so wonderful to see people coming out and supporting the Salvation Army. I do not have the financial details just yet, but I am very excited to find out. Following the sale, there were a lot of items that were donated to Prison Hope Ministries, Myers Tots, and Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence. It truly took an army to make this event possible. Thank you to our committee, consignors, shoppers, Mom's Morning Out (WPC), vendors, WPC staff (especially custodial team), Women's Ministry of WPC, Salvation Army, and all of you that donated items. We did it!!

Pictures will be posted.

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