
Pass It On is a mission outreach for the Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence. The family residence is a safe, welcoming emergency housing shelter. Services are provided in order to empower residents toward self-sufficiency.

Next Sale: Sept. 22, 2012

Wayne Presbyterian Church
125 E.Lancaster Ave.
Wayne, PA 19087

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Proudly supporting The Salvation Army

Proudly supporting The Salvation Army
Click on the logo to learn more about The Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence

Thursday, September 15, 2011


The administrative work is now complete!  I am thrilled to announce that a team of amazing people came together to help families in need.  This year's sale raised more than double the amount than previous years.  Including proceeds and monetary donations, $3,500 has been donated to the Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence!!  That's not all folks.  Approximately $2,500 worth of children's items have been donated to the Prison Hope Ministries, Myers Tots, and the shelter.  This is wonderful news!  Thank you to our consignors, volunteers, WPC staff, shoppers, Mom's Morning Out, and the Salvation Army.  Thank you to all of you that prayed for God's blessing over this event.  It was a pleasure to serve Him by reaching out to neighbors in need.  

Tip: Keep a container in the back of the closet to easily store items that your children have outgrown.  Consign these items with Pass It On Children's Consignment Sale at Wayne Presbyterian Church in 2012!

Brooke Kees and Colleen Strzelec

Monday, August 29, 2011

Way to go!!

Wow! So many people worked together to make the sale possible and it was a success!! The sellers arrived Friday night to bring in their items and it was like Christmas morning seeing all the great items come through the door. Shoppers began lining up an hour before the doors were to open and by 10am, the line was wrapped around the back of the building. It was so wonderful to see people coming out and supporting the Salvation Army. I do not have the financial details just yet, but I am very excited to find out. Following the sale, there were a lot of items that were donated to Prison Hope Ministries, Myers Tots, and Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence. It truly took an army to make this event possible. Thank you to our committee, consignors, shoppers, Mom's Morning Out (WPC), vendors, WPC staff (especially custodial team), Women's Ministry of WPC, Salvation Army, and all of you that donated items. We did it!!

Pictures will be posted.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why shop consignment?

Why should I shop at a children's consignment sale?

When I was pregnant with my first child, I wanted everything new for my baby. I wanted to pull it out of the box and put it together. I wanted the fabric to be brand new and everything to sparkle. Oh, how I was a fool. My son never took to the swing so it was used for only 2min...great use of that money! I got so many great things at my baby shower, but he outgrew many things before I could remove the tag. The high looked brand new after a wipe down with bleach. The adorable wooden cradle that would rock my baby to sleep when he came home from the hospital...I only wish it had been that easy. It was only used a handful of times before he outgrew it. Majority of moms can relate and they are consigning!
My message to you is that there are many "like new" children's items for rock bottom prices. As I am tagging donations and seeing a few items come through the door, I am taken away by the deals. I don't have an infant anymore, but the Nap Nanny, Britax car seat, double strollers, nursery decor, exersaucers, etc. are really nice and cheap! I do have my eye on some great books, toys, clothing, etc that my preschooler and 8yr old would love. We have 50 sellers walking through the door on Friday night to set up their items so I am so excited to see what they will bring.
Let someone know that may be interested. This sale is great for expecting mothers (we have maternity and many expecting books), moms of the infants to elementary age, grandparents (great things to keep at Grandma's), and caregivers. Pass this post along and let others know of this great opportunity that comes around once a year.
Pass It On is different than majority of consignment sales because the money raised goes directly to the Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence. Help us to make a difference!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Working for others...

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."
— John Bunyon

Help us to get the word out about the sale so we can work together for a great cause. You can post information on your Facebook page, share info at your child's daycare, make announcement at child's activities (or even your own), email your contacts with children/grandchildren or expecting, etc.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New teen rec room...

Today, Colleen and I (Brooke) met with Susan and Josh at the shelter. We arrived as they were evacuating the buildings due to the earthquake so there was much excitement. I was excited to see the new teen room they have created for the youth. The room is staffed by the shelter after school where the teens can use the computers, get help with homework, play games, or just hang out in a safe environment. I am getting so excited about the sale. Seeing the shelter today just reassured me that we are doing a great thing at Wayne Presbyterian.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Price is Right

When pricing items, take into consideration 4 things....condition, age, name brand, and how bad you want to sell the item. If the item is new with tags, the resale value can be higher. Always remember that people are looking for a bargain. Consignors who price right, sell more and can expect to make more money. You can use Craigslist or Ebay as a resource if you are not sure.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tagging Together

The week before a sale can be a bit overwhelming if you have put off the task of tagging your items. You see that pile of items set aside (or taking over your dining room) and begin to wonder if you will have time to get them all priced. Have a little fun by inviting a friend to bring over their items and tagging together. A glass of wine and great conversation can be had while getting your work done. It is also a great way to get advice on pricing.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Calling all donations

If you know anyone that is ready to clear out some children's items, we greatly appreciate donations for the sale. Please drop these items off at the church in the next week so we can make sure they are tagged before the big day. We accept new or gently-used children's items including clothing, baby gear, maternity, toys, games, books, youth sports equipment, etc. Please no stuffed animals. Items may be dropped off at Wayne Presbyterian Church, 125. E.Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The countdown

The big sale day only comes around once a year. Colleen and I have been working very hard to make sure everything is ready for showtime. Can't wait to see all the donations that have been dropped off at the church when I get back in town next week. A big thanks to M2O (Mom's Morning Out) for tagging these items. I have seen some things that are sure to be hot items!! A few things include a Britax carseat, Little Tykes playhouse (like new), couple of kitchen sets, battery powered go kart, adorable clothes, etc. Can't wait to get another peek.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Up and Running

A big thanks to all of you that make this sale possible. Together we are working together for a great cause. Keep consigning, shopping, volunteering, donating, and spreading the word about the sale. The more support we get, the more proceeds we bring in for donation to the shelter. A couple of more weeks!!

Pass It On 2011
Saturday, August 27th
cash only.