
Pass It On is a mission outreach for the Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence. The family residence is a safe, welcoming emergency housing shelter. Services are provided in order to empower residents toward self-sufficiency.

Next Sale: Sept. 22, 2012

Wayne Presbyterian Church
125 E.Lancaster Ave.
Wayne, PA 19087

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Proudly supporting The Salvation Army

Proudly supporting The Salvation Army
Click on the logo to learn more about The Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence

Saturday, September 29, 2012

We did it!

Volunteers getting ready for the doors to open!

It was a great sale!! There were so many people that came out to either shop or volunteer (and many did both!). We are in the business process right now, but will have information to you soon. I can't wait to see how much money we raised for the Salvation Army Family Residence and also to calculate the value of the items donated to local.charities. It wouldn't have been possible without the help of so many! Thank you.

*Take a look at this great article! Thank you Tracy for your kind words.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time to load up....

It is almost time to load up your items and bring them to Wayne Presbyterian Church! We have all been very busy sorting and tagging items. Today, Mom's Morning Out (M2O) at WPC, worked hard getting the donations cleaned and priced. Tagging is a lot more fun with friends and over a cup of coffee.

It won't be long and the consignors will be walking through the double doors and ready to put their items on the sales floor. One of my favorite moments is seeing the church all set up and knowing that the next day will bring joy to so many. The sale is an outreach to those in our community on many levels so thank you for making it possible.

Hope to see you soon!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


This picture sums it all up!! We are getting very excited that the big day is only 1 week away!

If you have any questions, please contact us...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Calendar Alert

Less than 2 weeks?? OH MY!!

I don't mean to cause panic if you haven't checked the calendar recently, but we are less than two weeks from the big day! If you haven't started tagging your items, take a deep breath. Look at your calendar and set aside time that you can knock it out. Once you get going, the process will move along quicker than you think. The hardest part is getting everything ready. 

1. Gather your supplies (tags, pen, tape, safety pins, hangers, cleaning wipes,etc).

2. Decide what items are in good condition and can be consigned. (no fading, tears, stains, missing pieces, etc) 

3. Attach tags and price! Don't get too caught up in the price of your items. Take a look at the price guide from Keep your prices in $0.50 increments. If you price too high, your item may not sell! Buyers are looking for a good deal.

**Don't forget to double check your seller information to make sure you have everything ready to go!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back to School!

It is time to print out the school supply list and begin the scavenger hunt to find the very specific items your child(ren) will need for this year! You open their closets to find they have outgrown everything...

Don't throw those clothes out just yet! 

Take a look and see if they are in good condition (no holes, tears, fading) and consider consigning them or donating them to the Pass It On Children's Consignment Sale. Proceeds are donated to the Salvation Army Family Residence in Philly so you are not only cleaning out closets, but helping families in need.  Send us an email or leave a comment to this post and we will give you all the information you need to take part.

**Save money on children's fall wardrobe by shopping on September 22nd, 10am-1pm at Wayne Presbyterian Church. You will find high quality, name brand clothing for low prices!
Find us on Facebook!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Shopping Tips!

10 Tips for Shopping a Children's Consignment Sale

1. Put the date on the calendar! Pass It On Children's Consignment will be held on Sept 22nd, 10am-1pm at Wayne Presbyterian Church. Proceeds donated to Salvation Army Family Residence.

2. Make a list. The list of items for your new bundle of joy can be overwhelming. Make yourself a shopping list so you don't forget anything.

3. Bring a bag. It doesn't take long before your hands get full so bring a bag or laundry basket with you.

4. Write down kids sizes beforehand. It is always helpful to know what size pants, shirts, shoes that you will need for each child. This is especially helpful for grandparents!

5. Think holidays! Why pay full price for Halloween costumes or holiday dresses that are worn once? Those costumes also make for great dress-up fun. Great way to get a jump start on Christmas shopping.

6. Volunteer or Consign. By volunteering or consigning your items, you have the opportunity to shop before the doors open to the general public.

7. Don't forget cash! Pass It On only accepts cash, but there is an ATM nearby if you forget.

8. Buy items for the next season. Go ahead and get great deals on items that you will need for the next season. You will be prepared ahead of time.

9. Go as early as possible. Get in the door early and you will have your pick of high demand items.

10. Empty out the car. You may not be expecting to buy a large item or walk out with a few bags, but you never know what deals you will find! We have seen amazing prices on outdoor toys, furniture, etc. It may be a deal you can't pass up so be able to get it home.

Friday, August 3, 2012

10 Reasons to Consign with Pass It On!

1. It's much easier than having a garage sale!

2. You earn 60-75% of your sales price on each item!

3. You may choose to pick up your unsold items or we will donate them to charity for you!

4. We do the advertising for you!

5. Your items will be viewed by a lot of shoppers!

6. We accept all seasons clothing so you can clean out everything at once!

7. You set the price of your items!

8. Your house will have less clutter!

9. As a consignor, YOU get to shop before the general public!

10. WE ALL are working together to provide a safe, after-school environment for homeless children!

With all these great reasons, it makes sense to become a consignor at the Pass It On Children's Consignment sale. Email
Pass It On Children's Consignment Sale - Wayne Presbyterian Church -       125 E.Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA - Saturday, September 22nd, 10am-1pm

Friday, July 13, 2012

It's that time of the year...

I love summer! The sun is shining, the crickets are chirping, alarm clocks are off, the smell of sunscreen and even chlorine, and watching my children play with their friends. At the beginning of the summer, I create a list of projects that I want to complete before summer comes to an end. Every year, "de-clutter" is at the top of that list! It feels good to bag up clothes and toys that my children have outgrown and make space for what they do use. 

As most mothers can relate, there are those items that we can't part with because they remind us of special moments that we want to cherish forever. For those things, each of my children have a bin that one day they will wonder why in the world I ever kept those things. For all the other items, they are either beyond use and go to the trash or I put them in bags that are labeled "children's consignment sale". I know that when I donate or consign those items to Pass It On Children's Consignment Sale, I am helping to make a difference in the lives of families that are in need and that brings such joy.

Pass It On will host the next sale on Saturday, September 22nd at Wayne Presbyterian Church in Wayne, PA. Consignors will earn 60-75% of the proceeds from their sales! All remaining proceeds (and 100% of proceeds from donated items) are donated to the Salvation Army Family Residence in Philadelphia, a homeless shelter for families. The money is placed into the Play Art Fund which funds after school and summer programs for the children in the shelter. After school programs give the children a safe place to learn and have fun when the school day comes to an end rather than being on the streets. Parents can work and feel comfortable knowing that their children are safe. Unfortunately, government funding was cut dramatically so the shelter relies on donations to offer these programs for the children.

How can you help? As you de-clutter, place your gently used children's items in a box, bag, or storage bin. Donations can be taken to WPC or email to reserve your space as a consignor. Maybe you don't have children's items, but you can be a big help by volunteering your time on the day of the sale, shopping at the sale, making a monetary donation, and/or spreading the word to family and friends. If you have children, you know how expensive it is to buy all the baby gear. A consignment sale is a fantastic way to find quality items at a great price! Thank you!

*Monetary donations - checks payable to Salvation Army Family Residence and mailed to WPC, attention: children's consignment sale.

Wayne Presbyterian Church
125 E.Lancaster Ave.
Wayne, PA  19087